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गुरुवार, 13 दिसंबर 2007
गुरुवार, 8 नवंबर 2007
press relese Did not exist Democracy, Justice and Solidarity
to you all
Yours sincerely,
Parhald Aggarwal,
b58/149 guru nanak pura laxmi nagar
delhi 110092 india
E mail
Hon’ble mayawati jee
Chief Minister
Uttar Pradesh state
Hon’ble Chief Minister,
Subject: - Nithari Killings: comman man Children Majority Victims
I am writing to express my extreme shock to the incident of serial Killings of children in Nithari village.
According to my information the perpetrators Mohinder and Surender were well aware of the background of the locals that most of them are comman mans and they suffer for hand to mouth. Taking advantage of this vulnerable factor, Surender used to bring the children alluring them with some toffee, food or other attractions including job for the adolescents. Once victims entered in bungalow (D-5, Sector –31), the perpetrators sexually assaulted victims and strangulated them to death.
According to information I have received, during the last 2 years, dozens of children were reportedly missing and majority of them belong to SC/ST Community of other States and most of the victim parents have gone back to their states loosing their children in Noida. None of the authorities including the Police Officials and District Magistrate and City Magistrate seem to have taken any action to register a case and investigate the same, when the missing of the children was reported to them. Even now the cases for only 17 Children’s are made out and the rest are still to be traced.
Nithari residents are aggrieved not only by the accused but also by the lethargic approach of the Police and the General Administration.
I urged you to help and ensure that comman man in your states are safe and able to lead their lives with basic human dignity.
Specifically, in this case please ensure:
* The government should declare that whole incident is a clear case of an Atrocity against comman man .
* The Government should declare that the Police and the Administration were not in lethargic attitude and no action was initiated since the Complaints were from comman man Parents, who are poor, marginalized and do not have any political liverage to influence them to register the case.
* The Terms of Reference of the CBI enquiry constituted by the Government should clearly spell out that this case is one of the worst atrocities committed on comman man .
* National Human Rights Commission, which is mandated for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, should strongly condemn this gross and inhuman violation committed by the perpetrators, Police and Administration and initiate its own investigation in the region to bring the Accused and the Officials to the books.
* The Prime accused Moninder Singh and Surender Koli should be booked under Section 3(1) (xii) and 3(2)(v) of the SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 as they were having the prior knowledge of the caste of the victims i.e, they are Dalits.
* The Police officials suspended, Dismissed or Transferred for the dereliction of their duty, should be booked under section 4 of the SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 for their willful negligence and dereliction of Duty.
* The SP and the District Collector did not take adequate measures to protect the victims, despite their complaints against the Perpetrators on several occasions. The SP and the District Collector should be booked under sec 4 of the SC/ST (POA) Act 1989 and also for the insensitive attitude of not having visited the Place of occurrence even after 8 days of the occurrence of this offence which is mandatory as per Rule 6 of SC/ST (POA) Rules 1995 .
* The Departmental Enquiry on these Police Officials should be speeded up and suspended officials should be dismissed from Service .
* A through inquiry is to be set up to find out the possibilities of whether there is any Organ Trade is flourishing. If found out, then the persons involved in the Organ Trade should be immediately arrested and booked under law.
* The Police officials and other Persons who have been abetting and committing this crime should also be booked and arrested.
* The property of the Accused should be attached.
* Nithari Village should be declared as Atrocity Prone area as per SC/ST (POA) Rules 1995 as most of the victims are from Dalit Community.
* The Government should appoint Special Prosecutor to conduct this case.
* Government should allow the Victims to engage Senior Advocate of their choice in this case as per Sub Sec (v) of Sec 4 of the SC/ST (POA) Rules1995.
* Government should trace out the comman man Parents who have lost their children in india and left for their own State and register Cases on missing of their children as well and investigate to render justice to the victims.
* Adopt or amend legislation as necessary to abolish all forms of violence against comman man children and also to ensure effective enforcement of such legislation.
* Investigate similar instances of violence against Dalit children and take appropriate action against those perpetrators and also the Police and Officials who are not performing their duty.
* Enact a comprehensive legislation for ensuring justice to Children as laid down in the Constitution, the UN Child Rights Convention and the Convention against Torture.
* Criminal Procedure Code and SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 be amended, with provisions for protecting the rights of the Dalit Children.
* Uttar Pradesh Government to identify and recognize the areas, where children have been systematically tortured and sexually abused and declare that area as the atrocity prone areas.
* Investigate promptly, thoroughly and impartially on all reports submitted by Police to trace out any connivance or participation of Police in committing such crimes against women and Atrocities against Children.
* Take urgent steps to crack Impunity that is being enjoyed by the Caste minded Perpetrators who commit crime on Dalit Women and Children.
* Issue clear instructions to all Police officers to respect the human rights of all, regardless of their political or religious beliefs, ethnic origin or sex or case background.
* Institute training for all members of the Criminal Justice Administrative System, including police officers, prosecutors and judges in human rights and gender sensitivity with particular emphasis on protecting Dalits Children/women
* Institute adequate witness protection measures to ensure that witnesses can depose without fear and risking their own or their families’ safety.
* Recognize the valuable work of human rights defenders, including journalists, lawyers and human rights groups and ensure that they can pursue their legitimate activities without harassment, or fear for their safety.
* The Government should increase the Compensation to 10 Lakhs for those who lost their Children.
The victim has endured something horrific. I ask that your intervention be forthcoming so that those who are responsible for the crimes committed are appropriately punished for their shocking actions.
Yours sincerely,
Parhald Aggarwal,
b58/149 guru nanak pura laxmi nagar
delhi 110092 india
E mail
Nithari Killings: Dalit Children Majority Victims
During the last 2 years, dozens of children were killed in Nithari village in Noida district of UP state of India.Majoritity of them were comman man Dalit(around 90%). The perpetrators Mohinder and Surender were taking advantage of vulnerable factor of poverty of victims. They used to bring the children alluring them with some toffee, food or other attractions including job for the adolescents. Once victims entered in bungalow, the perpetrators sexually assaulted victims and strangulated them to death. (Details of case are attached)
In India after 60 years of independent, Dalits are vulnerable and have no access to their basic rights. Violation of their Human Rights is a regular event in India. The above case is an example of ongoing atrocities on Dalits from centuries. It also shows the insensitivity and lethargy of the state. The criminal justice administrative system is still ineffective.
What You Can Do
Please call, e-mail, fax and write letter to Chief Minister by urging him to give special attention to this brutish killing of comman man children in Nithari and help the victims in getting justice.
(Sample Letter is attached)
Send letter to
Chief Minister
Uttar Pardesh state
5 Kalidas Marg,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Office Phone: +91-522-2239296
Office Fax: +91-522-2239234
Residence Phone: +91-522-2230006
Send a copy to
Justice A.S.Anand
The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi 110001
Tel: +91-11 23382742
Fax: +91-11 23384863
Case Details:
Majority Victim Children are Dalits; are Dalits by default..….?
A Fact Finding Team of Human Rights Defenders and Social Activists from various organizations was formed with a mandate to Investigate into the reports of Nithari serial Killings of Children, carried in several news papers and electronic Media and to find out the extent of truth behind the reports.
The Fact-Finding Team included the following members:
Ms. Annie Namala, Solidarity Group for Children Against Discrimination & Exclusion, Delhi
Ms. Shyamkali, Secretary, National Federation of Indian Women, Delhi
Mr. Jagdish Solanki, Advocate, Human Rights Law Network, Delhi High court, Delhi
Mr. Islamul Haque, Coordinator, Media, National Alliance For Right to Education & Equity
Mr. Kishor Kumar, Shrishti, Delhi
Mr. Sunil, Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, Delhi.
Mr. Rambabu Kumar, State Secretary, NCDHR Bihar
Mr. Amit Kumar, National Monitoring Associate, NCDHR, Delhi
Ms. Abirami, National Monitoring Associate, NCDHR, Delhi
Mr. Rahul Singh, Advocate, Delhi High Court, Delhi
Mr. Tanveer Kazi, National Advocacy Secretary, NCDHR, Delhi
Mr. Sanjeev, Co-ordinator, Delhi Chapter, NCDHR, Delhi
Ms. Urmila, National Monitoring Secretary, National Campaign on Dalits Human Rights,Delhi
Mr. J. Vincent, General Secretary, National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, Delhi
Fact Finding Team visited Nithari Village, Noida on 15th January 2007 and met the Parents of the Victims-children, Local leaders and officials :
This news of Killing of children was reported by all the News Papers and Television Channels. Majority of the children killed are poor and marginalized the Media says. But when this Team went into the social background of the children killed, it found that 15 out of 17 killed are comman man Dalits which media did not care to highlight..
Our Observation
* Both the accused, particularly the accused Surender Koli being local of the area was well aware of the caste background of the locals that most of them are Dalits and they suffer for hand to mouth. Taking advantage of this vulnerable factor , he used to bring the children alluring them with some toffee, food or other attractions including job for the adolescents which Prima-Facie proved now.
* None of the authorities including the Police Officials and District Magistrate and City Magistrate seem to have taken action any action to register a Case and Investigate the same, when the missing of the children was reported to them.
* Even now the Officials and the Government are reluctant to be sensitized with the factor that the majority of those who lost their lives are Dalits.
* It is alleged that during the last 2 years, 38 children were reportedly missing and majority of them belong to SC/ST Community of other States and most of them have gone back to their States loosing their Children in Noida. Even now the case for only 17 Children’s are made out and the rest are still to be traced.
* Months after One Mr. Nand Lal,s daughter Payal went missing, NCW raised this issue and its one-member inquiry committee submitted its report with the finding that half a dozen girls had gone missing over two months. Families were aggrieved that in many cases not even an FIR was registered. The police did not take any action and then nothing happened. NCW sent a reminder in November 2005, too, but there was no response from Police officials.
* It was on January 1st, 2005, that a child went missing from Nithari village. Parents complained, but no FIR was registered. In the next two years, 37 more children went missing one after the other. Noida police failed to notice a pattern until it finally stumbled upon a mass grave in house number D-5 of Sector 31, Noida.
* The police began by digging out the skulls using primitive equipments; this has resulted in destroying crucial evidence that are vital for establishing this case.
* DNA testing looks difficult since most bones and remains have been damaged in the digging.
* "In a tropical country like India, where the bones gets degenerated fast, the chances of establishing a DNA profile become tough. Since the bones have been broken and damaged completely, it becomes impossible to conduct DNA test with some of the remains.
* Prime accused Satish alias Surender was termed mentally unstable by the police even before it was medically proved or confirmed.
* No medical tests were done to prove whether sexual assault was there. In fact there were no full-fledged bodies, only skeletal remains and body pieces that were recovered from the drain.
* Crime scene was neither sealed nor guarded. No measures was taken to preserve the evidence. Two days after the arrests, parents were led inside the house. One of the parents even claimed that he had seen blood stained clothes and bed sheets inside the house.
* The prime concern should have been to preserve the evidence by keeping the crime scene intact. Only scientific expert should have been allowed inside the house to lift fingerprints, foot prints and usage of weapons if any.
* Nithari residents are aggrieved not only by the accused but also by the lax approach of the Police and the General Administration.
* Had the Police took appropriate and immediate action as soon as they get the complaints from the parents on the missing of children with close intervals, this type of large killings could have stopped and the lives of many children would have been saved.
* Mr. Kamal Yadav, the S.H.O under whose stint children’s were reportedly missing was spared from action for his lapse in this whole episode.
* The Parents of the victims have been given a Compensation ranging from 3-5 Lakhs / a Plot of Land /Employment – which is paltry to the tune of the loss that they faced.
Recommendations Specific to the Incident:
* The government should declare that whole incident is a clear case of an Atrocity against comman man .
* The Government should declare that the Police and the Administration were not in lethargic attitude and no action was initiated since the Complaints were from comman man Parents, who are poor, marginalized and do not have any political liverage to influence them to register the case.
* The Terms of Reference of the CBI enquiry constituted by the Government should clearly spell out that this case is one of the worst atrocities committed on Dalits.
* National Human Rights Commission, which is mandated for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, should strongly condemn this gross and inhuman violation committed by the perpetrators, Police and Administration and initiate its own investigation in the region to bring the Accused and the Officials to the books.
* The Prime accused Moninder Singh and Surender Koli should be booked under Section 3(1) (xii) and 3(2)(v) of the SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 as they were having the prior knowledge of the caste of the victims i.e, they are Dalits.
* The Police officials suspended, Dismissed or Transferred for the dereliction of their duty, should be booked under section 4 of the SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 for their willful negligence and dereliction of Duty.
* The SP and the District Collector did not take adequate measures to protect the victims, despite their complaints against the Perpetrators on several occasions. The SP and the District Collector should be booked under sec 4 of the SC/ST (POA) Act 1989 and also for the insensitive attitude of not having visited the Place of occurrence even after 8 days of the occurrence of this offence which is mandatory as per Rule 6 of SC/ST (POA) Rules 1995 .
* The Departmental Enquiry on these Police Officials should be speeded up and suspended officials should be dismissed from Service .
* A through inquiry is to be set up to find out the possibilities of whether there is any Organ Trade is flourishing. If found out, then the persons involved in the Organ Trade should be immediately arrested and booked under law.
* The Police officials and other Persons who have been abetting and committing this crime should also be booked and arrested.
* The property of the Accused should be attached.
* Nithari Village should be declared as Atrocity Prone area as per SC/ST (POA) Rules 1995 as most of the victims are from Dalit Community.
* The Government should appoint Special Prosecutor to conduct this case.
* Government should allow the Victims to engage Senior Advocate of their choice in this case as per Sub Sec (v) of Sec 4 of the SC/ST (POA) Rules1995.
Recommendations to the Uttar Pradesh Government:
* Government should trace out the Dalit Parents who have lost their children in Noida and left for their own State and register Cases on missing of their children as well and investigate to render justice to the victims.
* Adopt or amend legislation as necessary to abolish all forms of violence against Dalit children and also to ensure effective enforcement of such legislation.
* Investigate similar instances of violence against Dalit children and take appropriate action against those perpetrators and also the Police and Officials who are not performing their duty.
* Enact a comprehensive legislation for ensuring justice to Children as laid down in the Constitution, the UN Child Rights Convention and the Convention against Torture.
* Criminal Procedure Code and SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 be amended, with provisions for protecting the rights of the Dalit Children.
* Uttar Pradesh Government to identify and recognize the areas, where children have been systematically tortured and sexually abused and declare that area as the atrocity prone areas.
* Investigate promptly, thoroughly and impartially on all reports submitted by Police to trace out any connivance or participation of Police in committing such crimes against women and Atrocities against Children.
* Take urgent steps to crack Impunity that is being enjoyed by the Caste minded Perpetrators who commit crime on Dalit Women and Children.
* Issue clear instructions to all Police officers to respect the human rights of all, regardless of their political or religious beliefs, ethnic origin or sex or case background.
* Institute training for all members of the Criminal Justice Administrative System, including police officers, prosecutors and judges in human rights and gender sensitivity with particular emphasis on protecting Dalits Children/women
* Institute adequate witness protection measures to ensure that witnesses can depose without fear and risking their own or their families’ safety.
* Recognize the valuable work of human rights defenders, including journalists, lawyers and human rights groups and ensure that they can pursue their legitimate activities without harassment, or fear for their safety.
* The Government should increase the Compensation to 10 Lakhs for those who lost their Children.
Recommendations to the Government of India:
* Ratify the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women which provides for individual petitions and for inquiries into systematic violations of the Convention, affording an international remedy for women who have suffered human rights abuses
* Ratify the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment which it signed in 1997
* Permit UN human rights mechanism and international human rights organizations free and regular access to enable them to research human rights issues in the country.
To the United Nations:
* The General Assembly should request the Secretary-General to conduct an in-depth international study on the issue of violence against Dalit children and Dalit women in India .Such a study should examine the causes, extent and effects of violence against children, and initiate t a clear action plan for eliminating violence against Dalits .
* The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights should organize a special workshop for all relevant treaty bodies, special procedures, and U.N. bodies and agencies to examine violence against Dalit Children and Dalit women and to address this issue with the parameters of the existing U.N. human rights mechanisms and protocols.
* U.N. agencies should undertake a major campaign to end violence against Dalit children in India. The United Nations Children’s Fund should act as the lead agency in such a campaign, supported actively by the World Health Organization, United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, the International Labor Organization, and other relevant organizations.
* The Commission on Human Rights should appoint a Special Rapporteur on violence against Dalit children in India, in order to bring needed international attention to the pervasive violence against Dalit children, monitor adherence to the standards that protect children, investigate abuses, and present recommendations to better protect Dalit children from violence and abuse.
i want help from media and police
plese see this video
Missing kids' parents held
Parmindar Singh
Noida, May 9
Seven relatives of Nithari victims, including four women, out of several people who had come to stage a protest in Nithari from Ghaziabad, Delhi, Faridabad and Gurgaon, were arrested by the Noida police.
The police had learnt a large number of people from Ghaziabad, Delhi, Faridabad and Gurgaon were likely to protest near D-5 in Nithari yesterday. The SP City, the CO Greater Noida, the SOs of Sectors 20, 39, 24 and 58 police stations along with a large force descended in Nithari to beef up the security.
At noon, some people advanced towards the house of ill-repute and raised anti-CBI slogans. The police surrounded the people and arrested seven persons, including four women.
People gathered there asked the police to trace their missing children. They said their children had neither been traced nor accounted for by anyone so far. It had not been confirmed that they were killed in D-5 in Nithari. The parents had not been paid any compensation by the government so far, they stressed.
The arrested protesters were taken to Sector 24 where they were booked under Section 144 for breach of peace. The arrested persons included Fatch Khan and Narim Khan from Faridabad, Hajra Begum from Gurgaon, Noorjhan and Raj Kumari from Ghaziabad and Surinder and Shafali from Nithari. They said they were informed a large protest meeting would be organised in Nithari on Tuesday.
When presented before the city magistrate, they realised that some people had misled them. Prahlad was identified as having misinformed the people. He is alleged to have collected a large amount of funds from foreign NGOs in the name of Nithari victims.
The families of Nithari victims are also marking their time till a new government assumes office in Lucknow. With the new state government assuming office in Lucknow, the victims propose to streamline their strategy.
TEL: +44-703-590-3054
TEL: +44-703-590-3054
-------original message-------
also can you call me at 00919312950178
No place for poor in India and not safe my child
The Games
plays in India
I am parhlad kumar aggarwal i can ask from who foreign NGOs in the name of Nithari victims give me large amount of funds
responsible for life my childern & my india gov can not save my & my family life for justic plese help me many news paper say $$$$$$$$$$$$ where this $ i want see dont put in hot fire my life with rong news & india gov also not alert for my famely & indian missing child life naw i dont want liveng in india i want help you plese save me and my family and indiain missing child life with give permise to setel in canada usa england ect...... and i can fight for missing person of india with save my & my family life
for ditail plese see
Yours sincerely,
Parhald Aggarwal,
b58/149 guru nanak pura laxmi nagar
delhi 110092 india
E mail
please forward this message to all.
plese trslet in your lagg this is from /
निठारी के नाम विदेशों से बटोरे लाखों
सहारा नà¥à¤¯à¥‚ज बà¥à¤¯à¥‚रो
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E mail
Hon’ble mayawati jee
Chief Minister
Uttar Pradesh state
Hon’ble Chief Minister,
Subject: - Nithari Killings: comman man Children Majority Victims
I am writing to express my extreme shock to the incident of serial Killings of children in Nithari village.
According to my information the perpetrators Mohinder and Surender were well aware of the background of the locals that most of them are comman mans and they suffer for hand to mouth. Taking advantage of this vulnerable factor, Surender used to bring the children alluring them with some toffee, food or other attractions including job for the adolescents. Once victims entered in bungalow (D-5, Sector –31), the perpetrators sexually assaulted victims and strangulated them to death.
According to information I have received, during the last 2 years, dozens of children were reportedly missing and majority of them belong to SC/ST Community of other States and most of the victim parents have gone back to their states loosing their children in Noida. None of the authorities including the Police Officials and District Magistrate and City Magistrate seem to have taken any action to register a case and investigate the same, when the missing of the children was reported to them. Even now the cases for only 17 Children’s are made out and the rest are still to be traced.
Nithari residents are aggrieved not only by the accused but also by the lethargic approach of the Police and the General Administration.
I urged you to help and ensure that comman man in your states are safe and able to lead their lives with basic human dignity.
Specifically, in this case please ensure:
* The government should declare that whole incident is a clear case of an Atrocity against comman man .
* The Government should declare that the Police and the Administration were not in lethargic attitude and no action was initiated since the Complaints were from comman man Parents, who are poor, marginalized and do not have any political liverage to influence them to register the case.
* The Terms of Reference of the CBI enquiry constituted by the Government should clearly spell out that this case is one of the worst atrocities committed on comman man .
* National Human Rights Commission, which is mandated for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, should strongly condemn this gross and inhuman violation committed by the perpetrators, Police and Administration and initiate its own investigation in the region to bring the Accused and the Officials to the books.
* The Prime accused Moninder Singh and Surender Koli should be booked under Section 3(1) (xii) and 3(2)(v) of the SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 as they were having the prior knowledge of the caste of the victims i.e, they are Dalits.
* The Police officials suspended, Dismissed or Transferred for the dereliction of their duty, should be booked under section 4 of the SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 for their willful negligence and dereliction of Duty.
* The SP and the District Collector did not take adequate measures to protect the victims, despite their complaints against the Perpetrators on several occasions. The SP and the District Collector should be booked under sec 4 of the SC/ST (POA) Act 1989 and also for the insensitive attitude of not having visited the Place of occurrence even after 8 days of the occurrence of this offence which is mandatory as per Rule 6 of SC/ST (POA) Rules 1995 .
* The Departmental Enquiry on these Police Officials should be speeded up and suspended officials should be dismissed from Service .
* A through inquiry is to be set up to find out the possibilities of whether there is any Organ Trade is flourishing. If found out, then the persons involved in the Organ Trade should be immediately arrested and booked under law.
* The Police officials and other Persons who have been abetting and committing this crime should also be booked and arrested.
* The property of the Accused should be attached.
* Nithari Village should be declared as Atrocity Prone area as per SC/ST (POA) Rules 1995 as most of the victims are from Dalit Community.
* The Government should appoint Special Prosecutor to conduct this case.
* Government should allow the Victims to engage Senior Advocate of their choice in this case as per Sub Sec (v) of Sec 4 of the SC/ST (POA) Rules1995.
* Government should trace out the comman man Parents who have lost their children in india and left for their own State and register Cases on missing of their children as well and investigate to render justice to the victims.
* Adopt or amend legislation as necessary to abolish all forms of violence against comman man children and also to ensure effective enforcement of such legislation.
* Investigate similar instances of violence against Dalit children and take appropriate action against those perpetrators and also the Police and Officials who are not performing their duty.
* Enact a comprehensive legislation for ensuring justice to Children as laid down in the Constitution, the UN Child Rights Convention and the Convention against Torture.
* Criminal Procedure Code and SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 be amended, with provisions for protecting the rights of the Dalit Children.
* Uttar Pradesh Government to identify and recognize the areas, where children have been systematically tortured and sexually abused and declare that area as the atrocity prone areas.
* Investigate promptly, thoroughly and impartially on all reports submitted by Police to trace out any connivance or participation of Police in committing such crimes against women and Atrocities against Children.
* Take urgent steps to crack Impunity that is being enjoyed by the Caste minded Perpetrators who commit crime on Dalit Women and Children.
* Issue clear instructions to all Police officers to respect the human rights of all, regardless of their political or religious beliefs, ethnic origin or sex or case background.
* Institute training for all members of the Criminal Justice Administrative System, including police officers, prosecutors and judges in human rights and gender sensitivity with particular emphasis on protecting Dalits Children/women
* Institute adequate witness protection measures to ensure that witnesses can depose without fear and risking their own or their families’ safety.
* Recognize the valuable work of human rights defenders, including journalists, lawyers and human rights groups and ensure that they can pursue their legitimate activities without harassment, or fear for their safety.
* The Government should increase the Compensation to 10 Lakhs for those who lost their Children.
The victim has endured something horrific. I ask that your intervention be forthcoming so that those who are responsible for the crimes committed are appropriately punished for their shocking actions.
Yours sincerely,
Parhald Aggarwal,
b58/149 guru nanak pura laxmi nagar
delhi 110092 india
E mail
Nithari Killings: Dalit Children Majority Victims
During the last 2 years, dozens of children were killed in Nithari village in Noida district of UP state of India.Majoritity of them were comman man Dalit(around 90%). The perpetrators Mohinder and Surender were taking advantage of vulnerable factor of poverty of victims. They used to bring the children alluring them with some toffee, food or other attractions including job for the adolescents. Once victims entered in bungalow, the perpetrators sexually assaulted victims and strangulated them to death. (Details of case are attached)
In India after 60 years of independent, Dalits are vulnerable and have no access to their basic rights. Violation of their Human Rights is a regular event in India. The above case is an example of ongoing atrocities on Dalits from centuries. It also shows the insensitivity and lethargy of the state. The criminal justice administrative system is still ineffective.
What You Can Do
Please call, e-mail, fax and write letter to Chief Minister by urging him to give special attention to this brutish killing of comman man children in Nithari and help the victims in getting justice.
(Sample Letter is attached)
Send letter to
Chief Minister
Uttar Pardesh state
5 Kalidas Marg,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Office Phone: +91-522-2239296
Office Fax: +91-522-2239234
Residence Phone: +91-522-2230006
Send a copy to
Justice A.S.Anand
The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi 110001
Tel: +91-11 23382742
Fax: +91-11 23384863
Case Details:
Majority Victim Children are Dalits; are Dalits by default..….?
A Fact Finding Team of Human Rights Defenders and Social Activists from various organizations was formed with a mandate to Investigate into the reports of Nithari serial Killings of Children, carried in several news papers and electronic Media and to find out the extent of truth behind the reports.
The Fact-Finding Team included the following members:
Ms. Annie Namala, Solidarity Group for Children Against Discrimination & Exclusion, Delhi
Ms. Shyamkali, Secretary, National Federation of Indian Women, Delhi
Mr. Jagdish Solanki, Advocate, Human Rights Law Network, Delhi High court, Delhi
Mr. Islamul Haque, Coordinator, Media, National Alliance For Right to Education & Equity
Mr. Kishor Kumar, Shrishti, Delhi
Mr. Sunil, Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, Delhi.
Mr. Rambabu Kumar, State Secretary, NCDHR Bihar
Mr. Amit Kumar, National Monitoring Associate, NCDHR, Delhi
Ms. Abirami, National Monitoring Associate, NCDHR, Delhi
Mr. Rahul Singh, Advocate, Delhi High Court, Delhi
Mr. Tanveer Kazi, National Advocacy Secretary, NCDHR, Delhi
Mr. Sanjeev, Co-ordinator, Delhi Chapter, NCDHR, Delhi
Ms. Urmila, National Monitoring Secretary, National Campaign on Dalits Human Rights,Delhi
Mr. J. Vincent, General Secretary, National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, Delhi
Fact Finding Team visited Nithari Village, Noida on 15th January 2007 and met the Parents of the Victims-children, Local leaders and officials :
This news of Killing of children was reported by all the News Papers and Television Channels. Majority of the children killed are poor and marginalized the Media says. But when this Team went into the social background of the children killed, it found that 15 out of 17 killed are comman man Dalits which media did not care to highlight..
Our Observation
* Both the accused, particularly the accused Surender Koli being local of the area was well aware of the caste background of the locals that most of them are Dalits and they suffer for hand to mouth. Taking advantage of this vulnerable factor , he used to bring the children alluring them with some toffee, food or other attractions including job for the adolescents which Prima-Facie proved now.
* None of the authorities including the Police Officials and District Magistrate and City Magistrate seem to have taken action any action to register a Case and Investigate the same, when the missing of the children was reported to them.
* Even now the Officials and the Government are reluctant to be sensitized with the factor that the majority of those who lost their lives are Dalits.
* It is alleged that during the last 2 years, 38 children were reportedly missing and majority of them belong to SC/ST Community of other States and most of them have gone back to their States loosing their Children in Noida. Even now the case for only 17 Children’s are made out and the rest are still to be traced.
* Months after One Mr. Nand Lal,s daughter Payal went missing, NCW raised this issue and its one-member inquiry committee submitted its report with the finding that half a dozen girls had gone missing over two months. Families were aggrieved that in many cases not even an FIR was registered. The police did not take any action and then nothing happened. NCW sent a reminder in November 2005, too, but there was no response from Police officials.
* It was on January 1st, 2005, that a child went missing from Nithari village. Parents complained, but no FIR was registered. In the next two years, 37 more children went missing one after the other. Noida police failed to notice a pattern until it finally stumbled upon a mass grave in house number D-5 of Sector 31, Noida.
* The police began by digging out the skulls using primitive equipments; this has resulted in destroying crucial evidence that are vital for establishing this case.
* DNA testing looks difficult since most bones and remains have been damaged in the digging.
* "In a tropical country like India, where the bones gets degenerated fast, the chances of establishing a DNA profile become tough. Since the bones have been broken and damaged completely, it becomes impossible to conduct DNA test with some of the remains.
* Prime accused Satish alias Surender was termed mentally unstable by the police even before it was medically proved or confirmed.
* No medical tests were done to prove whether sexual assault was there. In fact there were no full-fledged bodies, only skeletal remains and body pieces that were recovered from the drain.
* Crime scene was neither sealed nor guarded. No measures was taken to preserve the evidence. Two days after the arrests, parents were led inside the house. One of the parents even claimed that he had seen blood stained clothes and bed sheets inside the house.
* The prime concern should have been to preserve the evidence by keeping the crime scene intact. Only scientific expert should have been allowed inside the house to lift fingerprints, foot prints and usage of weapons if any.
* Nithari residents are aggrieved not only by the accused but also by the lax approach of the Police and the General Administration.
* Had the Police took appropriate and immediate action as soon as they get the complaints from the parents on the missing of children with close intervals, this type of large killings could have stopped and the lives of many children would have been saved.
* Mr. Kamal Yadav, the S.H.O under whose stint children’s were reportedly missing was spared from action for his lapse in this whole episode.
* The Parents of the victims have been given a Compensation ranging from 3-5 Lakhs / a Plot of Land /Employment – which is paltry to the tune of the loss that they faced.
Recommendations Specific to the Incident:
* The government should declare that whole incident is a clear case of an Atrocity against comman man .
* The Government should declare that the Police and the Administration were not in lethargic attitude and no action was initiated since the Complaints were from comman man Parents, who are poor, marginalized and do not have any political liverage to influence them to register the case.
* The Terms of Reference of the CBI enquiry constituted by the Government should clearly spell out that this case is one of the worst atrocities committed on Dalits.
* National Human Rights Commission, which is mandated for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, should strongly condemn this gross and inhuman violation committed by the perpetrators, Police and Administration and initiate its own investigation in the region to bring the Accused and the Officials to the books.
* The Prime accused Moninder Singh and Surender Koli should be booked under Section 3(1) (xii) and 3(2)(v) of the SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 as they were having the prior knowledge of the caste of the victims i.e, they are Dalits.
* The Police officials suspended, Dismissed or Transferred for the dereliction of their duty, should be booked under section 4 of the SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 for their willful negligence and dereliction of Duty.
* The SP and the District Collector did not take adequate measures to protect the victims, despite their complaints against the Perpetrators on several occasions. The SP and the District Collector should be booked under sec 4 of the SC/ST (POA) Act 1989 and also for the insensitive attitude of not having visited the Place of occurrence even after 8 days of the occurrence of this offence which is mandatory as per Rule 6 of SC/ST (POA) Rules 1995 .
* The Departmental Enquiry on these Police Officials should be speeded up and suspended officials should be dismissed from Service .
* A through inquiry is to be set up to find out the possibilities of whether there is any Organ Trade is flourishing. If found out, then the persons involved in the Organ Trade should be immediately arrested and booked under law.
* The Police officials and other Persons who have been abetting and committing this crime should also be booked and arrested.
* The property of the Accused should be attached.
* Nithari Village should be declared as Atrocity Prone area as per SC/ST (POA) Rules 1995 as most of the victims are from Dalit Community.
* The Government should appoint Special Prosecutor to conduct this case.
* Government should allow the Victims to engage Senior Advocate of their choice in this case as per Sub Sec (v) of Sec 4 of the SC/ST (POA) Rules1995.
Recommendations to the Uttar Pradesh Government:
* Government should trace out the Dalit Parents who have lost their children in Noida and left for their own State and register Cases on missing of their children as well and investigate to render justice to the victims.
* Adopt or amend legislation as necessary to abolish all forms of violence against Dalit children and also to ensure effective enforcement of such legislation.
* Investigate similar instances of violence against Dalit children and take appropriate action against those perpetrators and also the Police and Officials who are not performing their duty.
* Enact a comprehensive legislation for ensuring justice to Children as laid down in the Constitution, the UN Child Rights Convention and the Convention against Torture.
* Criminal Procedure Code and SC/ST (POA) ACT 1989 be amended, with provisions for protecting the rights of the Dalit Children.
* Uttar Pradesh Government to identify and recognize the areas, where children have been systematically tortured and sexually abused and declare that area as the atrocity prone areas.
* Investigate promptly, thoroughly and impartially on all reports submitted by Police to trace out any connivance or participation of Police in committing such crimes against women and Atrocities against Children.
* Take urgent steps to crack Impunity that is being enjoyed by the Caste minded Perpetrators who commit crime on Dalit Women and Children.
* Issue clear instructions to all Police officers to respect the human rights of all, regardless of their political or religious beliefs, ethnic origin or sex or case background.
* Institute training for all members of the Criminal Justice Administrative System, including police officers, prosecutors and judges in human rights and gender sensitivity with particular emphasis on protecting Dalits Children/women
* Institute adequate witness protection measures to ensure that witnesses can depose without fear and risking their own or their families’ safety.
* Recognize the valuable work of human rights defenders, including journalists, lawyers and human rights groups and ensure that they can pursue their legitimate activities without harassment, or fear for their safety.
* The Government should increase the Compensation to 10 Lakhs for those who lost their Children.
Recommendations to the Government of India:
* Ratify the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women which provides for individual petitions and for inquiries into systematic violations of the Convention, affording an international remedy for women who have suffered human rights abuses
* Ratify the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment which it signed in 1997
* Permit UN human rights mechanism and international human rights organizations free and regular access to enable them to research human rights issues in the country.
To the United Nations:
* The General Assembly should request the Secretary-General to conduct an in-depth international study on the issue of violence against Dalit children and Dalit women in India .Such a study should examine the causes, extent and effects of violence against children, and initiate t a clear action plan for eliminating violence against Dalits .
* The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights should organize a special workshop for all relevant treaty bodies, special procedures, and U.N. bodies and agencies to examine violence against Dalit Children and Dalit women and to address this issue with the parameters of the existing U.N. human rights mechanisms and protocols.
* U.N. agencies should undertake a major campaign to end violence against Dalit children in India. The United Nations Children’s Fund should act as the lead agency in such a campaign, supported actively by the World Health Organization, United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, the International Labor Organization, and other relevant organizations.
* The Commission on Human Rights should appoint a Special Rapporteur on violence against Dalit children in India, in order to bring needed international attention to the pervasive violence against Dalit children, monitor adherence to the standards that protect children, investigate abuses, and present recommendations to better protect Dalit children from violence and abuse.
i want help from media and police
plese see this video
Missing kids' parents held
Parmindar Singh
Noida, May 9
Seven relatives of Nithari victims, including four women, out of several people who had come to stage a protest in Nithari from Ghaziabad, Delhi, Faridabad and Gurgaon, were arrested by the Noida police.
The police had learnt a large number of people from Ghaziabad, Delhi, Faridabad and Gurgaon were likely to protest near D-5 in Nithari yesterday. The SP City, the CO Greater Noida, the SOs of Sectors 20, 39, 24 and 58 police stations along with a large force descended in Nithari to beef up the security.
At noon, some people advanced towards the house of ill-repute and raised anti-CBI slogans. The police surrounded the people and arrested seven persons, including four women.
People gathered there asked the police to trace their missing children. They said their children had neither been traced nor accounted for by anyone so far. It had not been confirmed that they were killed in D-5 in Nithari. The parents had not been paid any compensation by the government so far, they stressed.
The arrested protesters were taken to Sector 24 where they were booked under Section 144 for breach of peace. The arrested persons included Fatch Khan and Narim Khan from Faridabad, Hajra Begum from Gurgaon, Noorjhan and Raj Kumari from Ghaziabad and Surinder and Shafali from Nithari. They said they were informed a large protest meeting would be organised in Nithari on Tuesday.
When presented before the city magistrate, they realised that some people had misled them. Prahlad was identified as having misinformed the people. He is alleged to have collected a large amount of funds from foreign NGOs in the name of Nithari victims.
The families of Nithari victims are also marking their time till a new government assumes office in Lucknow. With the new state government assuming office in Lucknow, the victims propose to streamline their strategy.
TEL: +44-703-590-3054
TEL: +44-703-590-3054
-------original message-------
also can you call me at 00919312950178
No place for poor in India and not safe my child
The Games
plays in India
I am parhlad kumar aggarwal i can ask from who foreign NGOs in the name of Nithari victims give me large amount of funds
responsible for life my childern & my india gov can not save my & my family life for justic plese help me many news paper say $$$$$$$$$$$$ where this $ i want see dont put in hot fire my life with rong news & india gov also not alert for my famely & indian missing child life naw i dont want liveng in india i want help you plese save me and my family and indiain missing child life with give permise to setel in canada usa england ect...... and i can fight for missing person of india with save my & my family life
for ditail plese see
Yours sincerely,
Parhald Aggarwal,
b58/149 guru nanak pura laxmi nagar
delhi 110092 india
E mail
please forward this message to all.
plese trslet in your lagg this is from /
निठारी के नाम विदेशों से बटोरे लाखों
सहारा नà¥à¤¯à¥‚ज बà¥à¤¯à¥‚रो
नोà¤à¤¡à¤¾à¥¤ निठारी से देश दà¥à¤¨à¤¿à¤¯à¤¾ के लोग à¤à¤²à¥‡ ही à¤à¥€à¤¤à¤° तक हिल गये हों लेकिन à¤à¤• वà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤¤à¤¿ ने मानवता का गला घोंटकर उनके दरà¥à¤¦ का हवाला देकर विदेशों से लाखों रूपये बटोर लिये। उसने जंतर मंतर के करीब से गà¥à¤œà¤° रहे संवेदनशील विदेशियों को à¤à¥€ नहीं बखà¥à¤¶à¤¾ और उनकी जेब ढीली करा ली। इस वà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤¤à¤¿ ने निठारी पीड़ितों के आंसà¥à¤“ं को à¤à¥à¤¨à¤¾à¤¨à¥‡ के लिठबाकायदा संसà¥à¤¥à¤¾ à¤à¥€ बना ली थी। अब इसकी शिकायत राषà¥à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¤ªà¤¤à¤¿ समेत दिलà¥à¤²à¥€ पà¥à¤²à¤¿à¤¸ से की गयी है। नोà¤à¤¡à¤¾ पà¥à¤²à¤¿à¤¸ à¤à¥€ अब यह निकृृषà¥à¤Ÿ हरकत करने वाले शखà¥à¤¸ को तलाश रही है।
गत वरà¥à¤· 29 दिसमà¥à¤¬à¤° को मासूम बचà¥à¤šà¥‹à¤‚ के साथ हà¥à¤ˆ हैवानि यत का सच उजागर हà¥à¤† था। निठारी कांड का सच मीडिया के जरिये विदेशों तक फैला। इसका फायदा उठाने के लिठकà¥à¤› लोगों ने à¤à¤• गहरी साजिश रची और उसे अमलीजामा पहनाने में कामयाब à¤à¥€ रहे। अब जब इस बाबत पीड़ित परिजनों ने राषà¥à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¤ªà¤¤à¤¿ से शिकायत की है, तो वे लोग पीड़ित परिजनों को ही बà¥à¤²à¥ˆà¤•à¤®à¥‡à¤² कर रहे हैं।
गाजियाबाद के विजयनगर इलाके से पिछले वरà¥à¤· गायब हà¥à¤ बचà¥à¤šà¥‡ के पिता मोमà¥à¤®à¤¦ मà¥à¤¸à¥à¤¤à¤«à¤¾ ने राषà¥à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¤ªà¤¤à¤¿ को पà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤·à¤¿à¤¤ à¤à¤• जà¥à¤žà¤¾à¤ªà¤¨ में लिखा है कि निठारी कांड का खà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤¸à¤¾ होने के बाद जब वह अपने बचà¥à¤šà¥‹à¤‚ की खोजबीन करते हà¥à¤ निठारी पहà¥à¤‚चा तो दिलà¥à¤²à¥€ निवासी पà¥à¤°à¤¹à¤²à¤¾à¤¦ अगà¥à¤°à¤µà¤¾à¤² नामक वà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤¤à¤¿ उसकी सहायता करने लगा था। मà¥à¤¸à¥à¤¤à¤«à¤¾ ने बताया कि जब नोà¤à¤¡à¤¾ पà¥à¤²à¤¿à¤¸ खूनी कोठी में महज निठारी के सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨à¥€à¤¯ लोगों के बचà¥à¤šà¥‹à¤‚ के शिकार होने की बात कहकर उनà¥à¤¹à¥‡à¤‚ हटा रही थी तब वह वà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤¤à¤¿ उसकी मदद कर रहा था।
पà¥à¤°à¤¹à¤²à¤¾à¤¦ अगà¥à¤°à¤µà¤¾à¤² ने दूरदराज के कà¥à¤·à¥‡à¤¤à¥à¤°à¥‹à¤‚ से अपने बचà¥à¤šà¥‹à¤‚ की तलाश में निठारी पहà¥à¤‚च रहे लोगों को à¤à¤•à¤œà¥à¤Ÿ किया और फाउंडेशन फॉर कॉमनमैन नामक à¤à¤• संसà¥à¤¥à¤¾ का गठन किया। इसके बाद संसà¥à¤¥à¤¾ के बैनर तले वह आठजनवरी से दिलà¥à¤²à¥€ सà¥à¤¥à¤¿à¤¤ जंतर -मंतर पर à¤à¤• पीड़ित परिजन के साथ धरने पर बैठा हà¥à¤† था। इसके अलावा उस वà¥à¤¯à¤•à¥à¤¤à¤¿ ने संसà¥à¤¥à¤¾ के लेटरपैड पर पतà¥à¤° लिखकर पीड़ित परिजनों को आरà¥à¤¥à¤¿à¤• पहà¥à¤‚चाने के लिठकई विदेशी संसà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤“ं से मदद मांगी। उसने जंतर-मंतर के आसपास से गà¥à¤œà¤°à¤¨à¥‡ वाले विदेशियों से à¤à¥€ मदद मांगी।
निठारी से ही लापता हà¥à¤ à¤à¤• बचà¥à¤šà¥‡ के पिता सà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤¶ ने बताया कि निठारी के नाम पर विदेशी संसà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤“ं और विदेशियों ने पà¥à¤°à¤¹à¤²à¤¾à¤¦ अगà¥à¤°à¤µà¤¾à¤² को हजारों डॉलर की आरà¥à¤¥à¤¿à¤• सहायता दी, जिसे वह अपने कà¥à¤› सहयोगियों के साथ मिलकर हड़प कर गया और अब उनà¥à¤¹à¥‡à¤‚ बà¥à¤²à¥ˆà¤•à¤®à¥‡à¤² कर रहा है। सà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤¶ ने बताया कि इस बारे में वह दिलà¥à¤²à¥€ पà¥à¤²à¤¿à¤¸ से शिकायत कर चà¥à¤•à¤¾ है। नोà¤à¤¡à¤¾ के à¤à¤¸à¤ªà¥€ सिटी विजय यादव ने इस बाबत दिलà¥à¤²à¥€ से सूचना मिलने की पà¥à¤·à¥à¤Ÿà¤¿ की है।
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शनिवार, 13 अक्टूबर 2007
Affected families to hand over memo to PM of india
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parhlad aggarwal chair main with maxicab victam Mr Jain.
CBI probe demanded into maxicab killings
Affected families to hand over memo to PM
Abhay Jain
Gurgaon, January 7
The aggrieved family members who had lost their relatives at the hands of maxicab serial killers demanded today that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) should be asked to investigate the barbaric incidents as the Haryana administration had failed to solve the case.
Some relatives of the affected families and leading social workers today organized a meeting in Gurgaon and decided to hand over a memorandum to the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on Tuesday, via the Commissioner of Gurgaon Range, urging him to direct the state government to take speedy measures as was being done in Uttar Pradesh in the wake of Nithari incident.
The state administration and police department have done nothing to provide solace to the victims’ family members even after two months of arresting the nine accused, said R S Kuntal, whose 17-year-old son Pradeep Kuntal has been missing since August 2006.
In the meeting, it was revealed that out of the 26 murders which had allegedly been committed by the nine accused, the police had produced the challan only in one case in the court even after two months whereas it was promised by the authorities then that all cases would be handled expeditiously, regretted Sunil Jain, whose son Sachin Jain was allegedly murdered by the gang.
Tej Singh, who lost his 55-year-old father Mahabir at the hands of maxicab killers, lamented that the investigation being done by the Inspector General of Police, Mr Mohinder Lal, had not been completed yet. All administrative and police officers who were directly responsible for the gruesome incidents must be suspended immediately, it was reportedly demanded in the meeting.
Social workers and other prominent persons of Gurgaon demanded that the state government must immediately give a financial assistance of Rs 25 lakh and a government job to the next of kin of every victim.
On the one hand, senior leaders of the Congress and even UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi had visited Nithari village to pacify the affected families, on the other, the party had not directed the Haryana government to do anything for the affected families, lamented the speakers in the meeting.
The barbaric murders committed by the gang on the pretext of providing lift in the maxicab could have been avoided if there was a safe and efficient public transport network within the city. The passengers are forced to take the lift in these unauthorised vehicles as there is no public transport system in the district. The administration had then promised to improve the transport system, but not a single vehicle has been added, mourned Mr Jai Bhagwan whose brother Mahender Singh was allegedly murdered by the maxicab gang.
A large procession would be held on Tuesday before submitting a memorandum to the Gurgaon Commissioner. It would be sent to the Prime Minister in which all sections of people: industrialists, businessmen, entrepreneurs, social workers, resident welfare associations (RWAs), non-government organizations (NGOs), religious and social organizations, bar members, chartered accountants, doctors, etc would participate and lodge their protest over the ‘inaction’ of the state government, claimed Mr Jain.
In the memorandum, the Prime Minister would be urged to take remedial steps and ensure that such incidents do not reoccur in any part of the country, said Mr Sunil Jain.
Noida incident reminds of ‘maxicab killings’
Gurgaon residents accuse authorities of not taking
the incident ‘seriously’
Abhay Jain
Gurgaon, January 3
The barbaric incident of Noida’s Nithari village where the complaints of 40 missing children during the last one year failed to “wake up” the police, has reminded the residents of Gurgaon of the gruesome ‘maxicab killings’ in which 26 persons were murdered by a gang of nine youths.
In Noida, several children were murdered by the two accused after being sexually abused, while in Gurgaon, the nine accused used to commit murders with the petty motive of robbery. The booty they used to get after the killings ranged from just Rs 2 to Rs 5,000.
“Both the incidents are great shame to the so-called modern civilised society,” said Mr Sunil Jain, whose 19-year-old son, Sachin Jain, was killed by the maxicab gang.
In Noida, Mulayam Singh Yadav government was quick to give a financial assistance of Rs 2 lakh to the kith and kin of the victims to take “political advantage” as the assembly elections are round the corner. “But, on the other hand, the Congress government led by Bhupinder Singh Hooda in Haryana did not bother to give any sort of relief to the affected families as there is no immediate election in the state,” lamented Mr Jain.
In Noida, there is a bee line of politicians belonging to the ruling as well as the opposition parties who visited the affected families, whereas in Gurgaon, no politician; neither local Member of Parliament, nor any minister nor MLA, except Indian National Lok Dal supreme Om Prakesh Chautala and his lieutenant in Gurgaon Gopi Chand Gehlot, found time to make visit to solace the affected families.
In Noida, five policemen of junior level were suspended for dereliction of duties after the exposure of the inhumane incident. However, in Gurgaon, no such action was taken against any police personnel after the arrest of the gang in November, rued the residents.
The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Gurgaon Range, Mr Mohinder Lal, was directed by Haryana Director General of Police Ranjiv Singh Dalal to investigate whether there were any linkage between these 26 murders. The IGP was also asked to look into the aspects as how the area SHO of the Bohdakala village where all nine accused belong to, failed to observe their criminal activities during the year.
The IGP would also suggest the steps and measures to be adopted by the police department to ensure that such type of incident does not occur in future. The nine accused allegedly used to give lift to the passenger in maxicab, strangulate their victims to death with the help of rope, electric wire, or belt before looting valuables and money from the bodies. Later, they used to dump the bodies in a gutter, lonely place or bush.
“The IGP’s failure in submitting his investigation report even after two months of the incident, clearly indicates that the senior officer was trying to defend his subordinates for unknown reasons,” alleged Mr Jain. The Chief Justice of India designate Mr Justice G Balakrishnan had called for a thorough probe into the Nithari incident and National Human Rights Commission had issued a notice to the Chief Secretary and the Director General of Police, Uttar Pradesh, to submit their reports within two weeks.
“But the senior most officials sitting at the helm of the affairs of the country have forgotten to take lessons from Gurgaon incident,” said Mr R S Kuntal, whose 17 years old son Pradeep Kuntal had been missing since 12 August, 06 from IFFCO crossing at National Highway no. 8, Gurgaon.
In both the cases, the police of both Haryana and Uttar Pradesh states did not bother to take the complaint of missing persons seriously through out the year 2006, observed Mr Kuntal.
“If the police had acted swiftly and tried to establish the linkage between missing persons, the figures of murdered persons in both states would have been very less,” he added.
The poor public transportation system remained the same and the masses were still forced to take lift in private vehicles even after two months of the incident, lamented Mr Jain.
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parhlad aggarwal chair main with maxicab victam Mr Jain.
CBI probe demanded into maxicab killings
Affected families to hand over memo to PM
Abhay Jain
Gurgaon, January 7
The aggrieved family members who had lost their relatives at the hands of maxicab serial killers demanded today that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) should be asked to investigate the barbaric incidents as the Haryana administration had failed to solve the case.
Some relatives of the affected families and leading social workers today organized a meeting in Gurgaon and decided to hand over a memorandum to the Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on Tuesday, via the Commissioner of Gurgaon Range, urging him to direct the state government to take speedy measures as was being done in Uttar Pradesh in the wake of Nithari incident.
The state administration and police department have done nothing to provide solace to the victims’ family members even after two months of arresting the nine accused, said R S Kuntal, whose 17-year-old son Pradeep Kuntal has been missing since August 2006.
In the meeting, it was revealed that out of the 26 murders which had allegedly been committed by the nine accused, the police had produced the challan only in one case in the court even after two months whereas it was promised by the authorities then that all cases would be handled expeditiously, regretted Sunil Jain, whose son Sachin Jain was allegedly murdered by the gang.
Tej Singh, who lost his 55-year-old father Mahabir at the hands of maxicab killers, lamented that the investigation being done by the Inspector General of Police, Mr Mohinder Lal, had not been completed yet. All administrative and police officers who were directly responsible for the gruesome incidents must be suspended immediately, it was reportedly demanded in the meeting.
Social workers and other prominent persons of Gurgaon demanded that the state government must immediately give a financial assistance of Rs 25 lakh and a government job to the next of kin of every victim.
On the one hand, senior leaders of the Congress and even UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi had visited Nithari village to pacify the affected families, on the other, the party had not directed the Haryana government to do anything for the affected families, lamented the speakers in the meeting.
The barbaric murders committed by the gang on the pretext of providing lift in the maxicab could have been avoided if there was a safe and efficient public transport network within the city. The passengers are forced to take the lift in these unauthorised vehicles as there is no public transport system in the district. The administration had then promised to improve the transport system, but not a single vehicle has been added, mourned Mr Jai Bhagwan whose brother Mahender Singh was allegedly murdered by the maxicab gang.
A large procession would be held on Tuesday before submitting a memorandum to the Gurgaon Commissioner. It would be sent to the Prime Minister in which all sections of people: industrialists, businessmen, entrepreneurs, social workers, resident welfare associations (RWAs), non-government organizations (NGOs), religious and social organizations, bar members, chartered accountants, doctors, etc would participate and lodge their protest over the ‘inaction’ of the state government, claimed Mr Jain.
In the memorandum, the Prime Minister would be urged to take remedial steps and ensure that such incidents do not reoccur in any part of the country, said Mr Sunil Jain.
Noida incident reminds of ‘maxicab killings’
Gurgaon residents accuse authorities of not taking
the incident ‘seriously’
Abhay Jain
Gurgaon, January 3
The barbaric incident of Noida’s Nithari village where the complaints of 40 missing children during the last one year failed to “wake up” the police, has reminded the residents of Gurgaon of the gruesome ‘maxicab killings’ in which 26 persons were murdered by a gang of nine youths.
In Noida, several children were murdered by the two accused after being sexually abused, while in Gurgaon, the nine accused used to commit murders with the petty motive of robbery. The booty they used to get after the killings ranged from just Rs 2 to Rs 5,000.
“Both the incidents are great shame to the so-called modern civilised society,” said Mr Sunil Jain, whose 19-year-old son, Sachin Jain, was killed by the maxicab gang.
In Noida, Mulayam Singh Yadav government was quick to give a financial assistance of Rs 2 lakh to the kith and kin of the victims to take “political advantage” as the assembly elections are round the corner. “But, on the other hand, the Congress government led by Bhupinder Singh Hooda in Haryana did not bother to give any sort of relief to the affected families as there is no immediate election in the state,” lamented Mr Jain.
In Noida, there is a bee line of politicians belonging to the ruling as well as the opposition parties who visited the affected families, whereas in Gurgaon, no politician; neither local Member of Parliament, nor any minister nor MLA, except Indian National Lok Dal supreme Om Prakesh Chautala and his lieutenant in Gurgaon Gopi Chand Gehlot, found time to make visit to solace the affected families.
In Noida, five policemen of junior level were suspended for dereliction of duties after the exposure of the inhumane incident. However, in Gurgaon, no such action was taken against any police personnel after the arrest of the gang in November, rued the residents.
The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Gurgaon Range, Mr Mohinder Lal, was directed by Haryana Director General of Police Ranjiv Singh Dalal to investigate whether there were any linkage between these 26 murders. The IGP was also asked to look into the aspects as how the area SHO of the Bohdakala village where all nine accused belong to, failed to observe their criminal activities during the year.
The IGP would also suggest the steps and measures to be adopted by the police department to ensure that such type of incident does not occur in future. The nine accused allegedly used to give lift to the passenger in maxicab, strangulate their victims to death with the help of rope, electric wire, or belt before looting valuables and money from the bodies. Later, they used to dump the bodies in a gutter, lonely place or bush.
“The IGP’s failure in submitting his investigation report even after two months of the incident, clearly indicates that the senior officer was trying to defend his subordinates for unknown reasons,” alleged Mr Jain. The Chief Justice of India designate Mr Justice G Balakrishnan had called for a thorough probe into the Nithari incident and National Human Rights Commission had issued a notice to the Chief Secretary and the Director General of Police, Uttar Pradesh, to submit their reports within two weeks.
“But the senior most officials sitting at the helm of the affairs of the country have forgotten to take lessons from Gurgaon incident,” said Mr R S Kuntal, whose 17 years old son Pradeep Kuntal had been missing since 12 August, 06 from IFFCO crossing at National Highway no. 8, Gurgaon.
In both the cases, the police of both Haryana and Uttar Pradesh states did not bother to take the complaint of missing persons seriously through out the year 2006, observed Mr Kuntal.
“If the police had acted swiftly and tried to establish the linkage between missing persons, the figures of murdered persons in both states would have been very less,” he added.
The poor public transportation system remained the same and the masses were still forced to take lift in private vehicles even after two months of the incident, lamented Mr Jain.
मंगलवार, 25 सितंबर 2007
press relese gurgaon kidnap rape killer city in peace full haryana




samit singh kidnap from gurgaon mera bhart mhan
samit singh kidnap from gurgaon
अपहरण का मामला दर्ज
गुड़गांव, जासंकें : दो माह पूर्व लापता हुए एक लड़के का सुराग लगाने में नाकाम रही पुलिस ने उसके पिता के बयान पर अज्ञात लोगों के खिलाफ अपहरण का मामला दर्ज किया है।
जानकारी के मुताबिक राजीव नगर निवासी अजीत सिंह का 15 वर्षीय बेटा सुमित दो माह पूर्व रहस्यमय हालात में गायब हो गया था। तमाम प्रयासों के बावजूद पुलिस उसका कोई सुराग नहीं लगा पाई। बृहस्पतिवार को अजीत सिंह ने पुलिस को बयान दिया कि उसे शक है कि उसके बेटे का अपहरण किया गया है। लिहाजा पुलिस ने अज्ञात लोगों के खिलाफ अपहरण का मामला दर्ज कर लिया और छानबीन कर रही है।
[Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:49:02 PM (IST) ]
रहस्यमय हालात में किशोर लापता
गुड़गांव, जासंकें : लक्ष्मण विहार में रहने वाला 15 वर्षीय किशोर रहस्यमय हालात में गायब हो गया। पुलिस गुमशुदगी की रपट दर्ज कर उसकी तलाश कर रही है।
मिली जानकारी के मुताबिक लक्ष्मण विहार में रहने वाले बुलंदशहर निवासी सुभाष चंद ने रपट दर्ज कराई कि उसका बेटा धीरज उर्फ धीरू 20 अगस्त को एकाएक गायब हो गया, जिसका अभी तक कोई पता नहीं चला है।
[Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:49:01 PM (IST) ]

Appeal अब for education help for a minor child admission in good school
New Delhi
Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal, who was born in tribal area of Lang village of Ambika Pur region of Madhya Pradesh now residing in Delhi, has always faced tough times in his life right from his childhood. Firstly his mother has been a mentally retarded person because of whom his educated father also became homeless as he could not manage his business and property and also could not pay enough attention towards his children. Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal some how grew up facing such hardship in his life and he could not get that education as a child which he deserved like other children but he walked on the way of social work as it has been seen generally that such child either go for some criminal way or become victim of some anti-social habits. But Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal kept himself miles away from all these things, rather Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal made an objective as " I have faced the hardship in my life and no body came in front to hold my hand and help me, I will always help at my level-best whoever will come to seek my help". Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal was also getting success in his this objective but some mean people tried to divert him from his way for their own political benefits. Still Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal kept going on his way of honesty and helping others steadily. Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal has also been attacked several times. His wife who is a religious and God-faithing lady always help and supported him in his good deed. In spite of all this, as Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal is financially weak, is unable to give his children that education which they deserve. He wants to give his children international-level education so that as he has been deprived of quality education in his childhood, his children may not be deprived off. But Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal's son (Prankur, aging 5 years resident of Delhi, India) is not getting admission to any convent school, the biggest reason of which is his poorness. Will you not help such social worker who always believes in god, who has always faced bad times in his life and has always help those who has come to seek his help? If you will help Mr. Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal to seek admission for his son (Prankur) in a good school, then Mr. Aggarwal who though is unable to give you something in return but will definitely pray to God for your happiness.
Please give this appeal a suitable place in your news paper.
Parhalad Kumar Aggarwal
B-58/149, Guru Nanak Pura, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi-110092
Contact No.- 00919911099737

मधय पर्देश के अम्बीकापुर के लंग्गाँव के आदीवासी छेत्र मी पैदा हुए परह्लाद कुमार का जीवन बचपन से ही मुसीबतों से घीरा रहा पहले तो ब्चापेन्न से ही माँ मानसिक रोगी थी जीसके वीयोग मे सीक्सित पीता भी बेघर हो गए ।
ओर अपने संपती और कारोबार को संभाल नही सके और न ही अपने ब्चों की देख भाल कर पाए दोनो ब्च्हे किसे तरह दर दर की ठोकर खा कर बडे हो गए । परह्लाद कुमार ने समाज सेवा का रास्ता अपनाया जबकि इसे मामलो मी ज्यदटर बच्चे गुनाह का रास्ता ही अपनाते है । या फिर गलत रस्ते पेर चल पड़ते है । पर परह्लाद इन सब बातो से कोसो दूर है । जबकि परह्लाद कुमार ने उदेसय बनाया है जिस तरह मैं दर दर की ठोकर खाता रहा ओर मेरा कीसी ने हाथ नही थमा पर मैं जरूरत मंद लोगो की मदद करुगा । ओर उस के लिए फाउंडेशन फॉर कमान मन की स्थापना भी की । मज्दुरु को गिर रही इमारत से बचाने मी अपने जन पेर खेल कर निकला जो की न्यूज़ पेपर ओर टीवी चॅनल ने भी देख्या था । रेल मी भीख मग रहे ब्च्हू को गुंडों के चुगल से निकल क्र आश्रम मे दाखिल करवाया । दलीत ब्ची jis का बलात्कर हो गया था जस्टिस दीलाने मे मदद की । लापता ब्च्हू को पता लगाने मी सरकार पेर जोर लगाने मे भोतज्यदा धरना पेर्दार्सन किया । मजदुर लोगो को मजदूरी दिलाने की लडाई लड़ी । पर कुछ लोगो ने अपने राजनीती चमकने के लिए उनके रासते मी उडचन भी डाली । हमले भी करवाए। फीर भी परह्लाद कुमार अपने रस्ते से टस से मस नही हुआ । समाज सेवा मी उसका साथ देने वाले उसके साथी ओर दर्म पत्नी ने इस्वर की रह पेर चलने वाले परह्लाद कुमार का पुरा सहयोग दिया । किन्तु इन सब के बाबजूद परह्लाद कुमार अर्थिक रूप से पेरेसान है । ओर अपने बच्चो को भ शिक्षा नही दे पा रहा है जो देने चाहिऐ । बह चाहता है की उसके बच्चे भी विस्ब्स्त्रीय सीख ले ओर जो शिक्षा की कमी उस मे रही है । उस की ब्चोचो मी न रहे । पर्न्तो परह्लाद के बेटे परंकुर को कान्वेंट श्कूल दाखिला नही मिल रह है । जिस की सब से बडी बजह है उस की गरीबी । कया आप इसे समाज सेवी प्रभु के रस्ते पेर चलने वाले दर दर की ठोकर खा कर भी गरीबो की सेवा करनी वाले परह्लाद की सहायता नही करेगे । यदी आप परह्लाद के बेटे परंकुर को किसी अच्छे स्चूल मी शिक्षा दिलाने मी सहयोग करते है तो परह्लाद कुमार परभू से परथाना करगा की आपका जीवन परभू खुसेयो से भर दे । कुर्प्या इसे अपने समाचार पत्र मी जगह देने की कुर्पा केरे.
parhlad kumar aggarwal
b58/149 guru nanak pura laxmi nagar delhi 110092
phone 00919911099737


In another incident, some locals got minor injuries after an under construction three – storey building, namely Amit Furnitures collapsed in Laxmi Nagar area of East Delhi this afternoon.
The fire brigade sources said that the building situated adjacent to Maharaja Banquet Hall on Radhu Palace Road collapsed at about 12.30 pm. half a dozen fire tenders had been sent for rescue operations. There is no report of any casualty, however some vehicles parked near the building got damaged due to the collapse of the structure, sources added.
“Digging was going on in the basement of the structure. Huge quantities of building materials were stored in the first floor, resulting in the collapse of the building, they said.
A three-storeyed building collapsed near Laxmi Nagar in East Delhi on Wednesday. — Tribune photos by Mukesh Aggarwal





रविवार, 23 सितंबर 2007
samit singh kidnap from gurgaon mera bhart mhan

samit singh kidnap from gurgaon mera bhart mhan
samit singh kidnap from gurgaon
अपहरण का मामला दर्ज
गुड़गांव, जासंकें : दो माह पूर्व लापता हुए एक लड़के का सुराग लगाने में नाकाम रही पुलिस ने उसके पिता के बयान पर अज्ञात लोगों के खिलाफ अपहरण का मामला दर्ज किया है।
जानकारी के मुताबिक राजीव नगर निवासी अजीत सिंह का 15 वर्षीय बेटा सुमित दो माह पूर्व रहस्यमय हालात में गायब हो गया था। तमाम प्रयासों के बावजूद पुलिस उसका कोई सुराग नहीं लगा पाई। बृहस्पतिवार को अजीत सिंह ने पुलिस को बयान दिया कि उसे शक है कि उसके बेटे का अपहरण किया गया है। लिहाजा पुलिस ने अज्ञात लोगों के खिलाफ अपहरण का मामला दर्ज कर लिया और छानबीन कर रही है।
[Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:49:02 PM (IST) ]
रहस्यमय हालात में किशोर लापता
गुड़गांव, जासंकें : लक्ष्मण विहार में रहने वाला 15 वर्षीय किशोर रहस्यमय हालात में गायब हो गया। पुलिस गुमशुदगी की रपट दर्ज कर उसकी तलाश कर रही है।
मिली जानकारी के मुताबिक लक्ष्मण विहार में रहने वाले बुलंदशहर निवासी सुभाष चंद ने रपट दर्ज कराई कि उसका बेटा धीरज उर्फ धीरू 20 अगस्त को एकाएक गायब हो गया, जिसका अभी तक कोई पता नहीं चला है।
[Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:49:01 PM (IST) ]
बुधवार, 12 सितंबर 2007
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मंगलवार, 11 सितंबर 2007
How many children go missing in a year in India?
press relese
How many children go missing in a year in India?
In India no exact figures are available, however, according to an article in an English daily, the number of runaways is 10 lakhs per annum, i.e. every 30 seconds a child runs away from home. If you add the number of missing, lost and abducted children the number of missing children is phenomenal.
We do have figures of missing children in the USA. This may help give us an idea about the enormity of missing children issue in India.
The U.S. Department of Justice reports:
797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one-year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.
203,900 children were the victims of family abductions.
58,200 children were the victims of non-family abductions.
115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping. (These crimes involve someone the child does not know or someone of slight acquaintance, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.)
How many children go missing in a year in India?
In India no exact figures are available, however, according to an article in an English daily, the number of runaways is 10 lakhs per annum, i.e. every 30 seconds a child runs away from home. If you add the number of missing, lost and abducted children the number of missing children is phenomenal.
We do have figures of missing children in the USA. This may help give us an idea about the enormity of missing children issue in India.
The U.S. Department of Justice reports:
797,500 children (younger than 18) were reported missing in a one-year period of time studied resulting in an average of 2,185 children being reported missing each day.
203,900 children were the victims of family abductions.
58,200 children were the victims of non-family abductions.
115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping. (These crimes involve someone the child does not know or someone of slight acquaintance, who holds the child overnight, transports the child 50 miles or more, kills the child, demands ransom, or intends to keep the child permanently.)
शुक्रवार, 7 सितंबर 2007
मंगलवार, 4 सितंबर 2007
i want action against all leader and officer

i want action against all leader and officer
Chairperson National Human Rights Commission of India
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi -110001
Fax: +91 11 2334 0016
The President of India
C.C. to Media for Coverage
By Photographer, Reporter, Cameraman etc.
Jean Zeigler
The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
press relese plese see in hindi font
justice for nithari: To president of india appeal for suicide
cc copy to editor for press relese
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi -110001
Fax: +91 11 2334 0016
lsok esa] fnaukd 3-4-2007
Jheku pS;jeSu egksn;]
jk"Vªh; ekuo vf/kdkj vk;ksx]
QjhndksV gkMl] dkWijfuDl ekxZ]
fo"k;%&lEiw.kZ Hkkjr ls vc rd ykirk gq;s yksxksa ds ckjs esa dksbZ Bksl dk;kZokgh u gksus ds lanHkZ esa A
fuosnu ;g gS fd eSa izgykn dqekj vxzoky] v/;{k QkmaMs’ku Qkj dkWeu eSu ckj&ckj Hkkjr ls ykirk gq;s yksxksa ds ckjs esa eklwe cPpksa] efgykvksa dh ryk’k ds ckjs esa vkokt mBkrk jgk gwa vkSj lEcfU/kr foHkkxksa dks fy[krk jgk gwa A igys Hkh 31&12&2007 dks laln ekxZ ij izn’kZu fd;k o jk"Vªifr th] iz/kku ea=h] x`g ea=h o ,u ,p vkj lh o dbZ vU; laLFkk dks Hkh fuBkjh dkaM dk fojks/k ntZ fd;k og Hkkjr ls ykirk gq;s yksxksa ds ckjs esa xqgkj yxkbZ A og fnaukd 8-1-2007 ls 24 ?kUVs dk ?kjuk laln ekxZ ij fn;k tks fd vkt rd tkjh gS A ysfdu vkt rd dksbZ lquokbZ ugha gqbZ gS A tcfd bl nkSjku esjB dk lhfj;y fdyj dk.M og dbZ vU; dk.M Hkh lkeus vk;s gSA ysfdu vkt rd dksbZ lquokbZ ugha gqbZ gS A vc tcfd dbZ dkUM lkeus vk pqds gSa rks ykirk gq;s eklwe cPps] efgyk vkfn ds ekW&cki] dk gkSlyk tokc ns x;k gS A vkSj mUgsa ;g ckr lrkus yxs gSa fd dgha muds eklwe Hkh blh [kwuh [ksy ds f’kdkj u gks x;s gksa A ;g yksx iqfyl o vU; lEcfU/kr vf/kdkfj;ksa ls Hkh feys ijUrq vk’oklu ds vykok dqN ugha feyk A eSusa ,d ckj fQj vHkkxs ekrk firk dh xqgkj vki rd igqapkus dk iz;kl fd;k gS fd vkids lg;ksx ls muds fcNMs eklwe cPps mUgsa fey tk;s ;k mudk irk yxk;k tk lds] ?kjus ij cSBs&cSBs eSa Hkh Hkw[kejh dh dxkj ij igqap pqdk gwa A rks bu vHkkxs ekWa&cki dk D;k gky gqvk gksxk A esjk vkils vkxzg gS fd bu eklwe cPpksa ds xk;c gksus esa dgha fuBkjh o lhfj;y dk.M ds fdUgha uj fi’kkpksa dk gkFk u gks blfy;s vkils vkxzg gS fd bu eklweksa dh ryk’k djkus ds fy;s lh ch vkbZ ls tkap djkus dh d`ik djsa og tks nks"kh idMs x;s gSa mUgsa l[r ls l[r ltk nh tk;s A eq>s vk’kk gS fd vki bu eklweksa ds ifjokjksa ds vkalw jksdus esa leFkZ gksxs og budk nq[k nwj djus ds fy;s lHkh mfpr dne mBk;sxs aA
blesa ls dqN ifjokjksa ds C;kSjk lkFk esa layXu gS A
1- x`g ea=h Hkkjr ljdkj izgykn dqekj vxzoky
2- iz/kku ea=h vLFkkbZ irk & /kjuk LFky]laln ekxZ
3- jk"Vªifr LFkkbZ irk & ch&58/149] xq: ukud iqjk
4- iqfyl vk;qDr] fnYyh y{eh uxj] fnYyh&110092
5- iqfyl mi&vk;qDr] ubZ fnYyh
6- ehfM;k
मंगलवार, 28 अगस्त 2007
TO all editor
Under the dark shadows of nithari carnage Alliance for investigation of the missing & slaughtered Children/person
Missing Children all word problem
In 2005, more than 66,500 children were reported missing in Canada, according to National Missing Children's Services. Yet as staggering as that number sounds, it represents an unusual drop. The number of missing children has increased almost every year since 1993. After an encouraging decrease in 1999, the trend continued unabated.
Missing Children cases in Canada, by year
(Source: RCMP Missing Children's Registry)
Total missing Runaway Unknown Other Wander Parental abduction Kidnap Accident
2005 66,548 51,280 12,079 2,061 704 349 30 45
2004 67,266 52,280 11,373 2,552 671 332 31 27
2003 67,809 53,459 10,922 2,205 805 358 39 21
2002 66,532 52,390 10,994 2,052 594 429 35 38
2001 66,994 53,434 10,364 1,990 742 387 48 49
2000 63,712 50,633 10,031 1,958 597 416 42 35
1999 60,360 47,585 9,884 1,947 496 358 52 38
1998 62,087 48,388 10,254 2,326 623 426 42 28
1997 58,098 45,527 9,404 2,138 506 426 60 37
1996 56,122 43,717 9,181 1,914 822 409 45 34
1995 55,749 43,709 9,039 1,824 720 354 68 35
1994 51,973 40,140 8,901 1,774 672 394 68 24
1993 55,908 43,102 9,959 1,810 543 407 61 26
The majority of missing children were runaways (51,280), compared with 30 kidnappings and 349 parental abductions.
Females were more likely to go missing than males and accounted for 57 per cent of all missing kids.
Kidnapping reports, including stranger abductions, were the lowest since the National Missing Children's Services program began in 1986, although parental abduction reports jumped from the previous year (to 344 from 332).
The majority of missing children were runaways (52,390), compared with 35 kidnappings and 429 parental abductions.
Females were more likely to go missing than males and accounted for 59 per cent of all missing kids.
If you wish to report a missing child or have information on a missing child, please contact the following: Yours sincerely,
Parhald Aggarwal,
b58/149 guru nanak pura laxmi nagar
delhi 110092 india
E mail
Under the dark shadows of nithari carnage Alliance for investigation of the missing & slaughtered Children/person
Missing Children all word problem
In 2005, more than 66,500 children were reported missing in Canada, according to National Missing Children's Services. Yet as staggering as that number sounds, it represents an unusual drop. The number of missing children has increased almost every year since 1993. After an encouraging decrease in 1999, the trend continued unabated.
Missing Children cases in Canada, by year
(Source: RCMP Missing Children's Registry)
Total missing Runaway Unknown Other Wander Parental abduction Kidnap Accident
2005 66,548 51,280 12,079 2,061 704 349 30 45
2004 67,266 52,280 11,373 2,552 671 332 31 27
2003 67,809 53,459 10,922 2,205 805 358 39 21
2002 66,532 52,390 10,994 2,052 594 429 35 38
2001 66,994 53,434 10,364 1,990 742 387 48 49
2000 63,712 50,633 10,031 1,958 597 416 42 35
1999 60,360 47,585 9,884 1,947 496 358 52 38
1998 62,087 48,388 10,254 2,326 623 426 42 28
1997 58,098 45,527 9,404 2,138 506 426 60 37
1996 56,122 43,717 9,181 1,914 822 409 45 34
1995 55,749 43,709 9,039 1,824 720 354 68 35
1994 51,973 40,140 8,901 1,774 672 394 68 24
1993 55,908 43,102 9,959 1,810 543 407 61 26
The majority of missing children were runaways (51,280), compared with 30 kidnappings and 349 parental abductions.
Females were more likely to go missing than males and accounted for 57 per cent of all missing kids.
Kidnapping reports, including stranger abductions, were the lowest since the National Missing Children's Services program began in 1986, although parental abduction reports jumped from the previous year (to 344 from 332).
The majority of missing children were runaways (52,390), compared with 35 kidnappings and 429 parental abductions.
Females were more likely to go missing than males and accounted for 59 per cent of all missing kids.
If you wish to report a missing child or have information on a missing child, please contact the following: Yours sincerely,
Parhald Aggarwal,
b58/149 guru nanak pura laxmi nagar
delhi 110092 india
E mail
Chairperson National Human Rights Commission of India
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi -110001
Fax: +91 11 2334 0016

The President of India
C.C. to Media for Coverage
By Photographer, Reporter, Cameraman etc.
Jean Zeigler
The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
press relese plese see in hindi font
justice for nithari: To president of india appeal for suicide
cc copy to editor for press relese
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi -110001
Fax: +91 11 2334 0016

The President of India
C.C. to Media for Coverage
By Photographer, Reporter, Cameraman etc.
Jean Zeigler
The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
press relese plese see in hindi font
justice for nithari: To president of india appeal for suicide
cc copy to editor for press relese
going to death for hunger & finice problem appel to govt of india plese help my famley



Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 04:52:15 +0100 (BST)
From: "parhlad aggrwal"
Subject: going to death for hunger & finice problem appel to govt of india plese help my famley
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi -110001
Fax: +91 11 2334 0016
lsok esa] fnaukd 3-4-2007
Jheku pS;jeSu egksn;]
jk"Vªh; ekuo vf/kdkj vk;ksx]
QjhndksV gkMl] dkWijfuDl ekxZ]
fo"k;%&lEiw.kZ Hkkjr ls vc rd ykirk gq;s yksxksa ds ckjs esa dksbZ Bksl dk;kZokgh u gksus ds lanHkZ esa A
fuosnu ;g gS fd eSa izgykn dqekj vxzoky] v/;{k QkmaMs’ku Qkj dkWeu eSu ckj&ckj Hkkjr ls ykirk gq;s yksxksa ds ckjs esa eklwe cPpksa] efgykvksa dh ryk’k ds ckjs esa vkokt mBkrk jgk gwa vkSj lEcfU/kr foHkkxksa dks fy[krk jgk gwa A igys Hkh 31&12&2007 dks laln ekxZ ij izn’kZu fd;k o jk"Vªifr th] iz/kku ea=h] x`g ea=h o ,u ,p vkj lh o dbZ vU; laLFkk dks Hkh fuBkjh dkaM dk fojks/k ntZ fd;k og Hkkjr ls ykirk gq;s yksxksa ds ckjs esa xqgkj yxkbZ A og fnaukd 8-1-2007 ls 24 ?kUVs dk ?kjuk laln ekxZ ij fn;k tks fd vkt rd tkjh gS A ysfdu vkt rd dksbZ lquokbZ ugha gqbZ gS A tcfd bl nkSjku esjB dk lhfj;y fdyj dk.M og dbZ vU; dk.M Hkh lkeus vk;s gSA ysfdu vkt rd dksbZ lquokbZ ugha gqbZ gS A vc tcfd dbZ dkUM lkeus vk pqds gSa rks ykirk gq;s eklwe cPps] efgyk vkfn ds ekW&cki] dk gkSlyk tokc ns x;k gS A vkSj mUgsa ;g ckr lrkus yxs gSa fd dgha muds eklwe Hkh blh [kwuh [ksy ds f’kdkj u gks x;s gksa A ;g yksx iqfyl o vU; lEcfU/kr vf/kdkfj;ksa ls Hkh feys ijUrq vk’oklu ds vykok dqN ugha feyk A eSusa ,d ckj fQj vHkkxs ekrk firk dh xqgkj vki rd igqapkus dk iz;kl fd;k gS fd vkids lg;ksx ls muds fcNMs eklwe cPps mUgsa fey tk;s ;k mudk irk yxk;k tk lds] ?kjus ij cSBs&cSBs eSa Hkh Hkw[kejh dh dxkj ij igqap pqdk gwa A rks bu vHkkxs ekWa&cki dk D;k gky gqvk gksxk A esjk vkils vkxzg gS fd bu eklwe cPpksa ds xk;c gksus esa dgha fuBkjh o lhfj;y dk.M ds fdUgha uj fi’kkpksa dk gkFk u gks blfy;s vkils vkxzg gS fd bu eklweksa dh ryk’k djkus ds fy;s lh ch vkbZ ls tkap djkus dh d`ik djsa og tks nks"kh idMs x;s gSa mUgsa l[r ls l[r ltk nh tk;s A eq>s vk’kk gS fd vki bu eklweksa ds ifjokjksa ds vkalw jksdus esa leFkZ gksxs og budk nq[k nwj djus ds fy;s lHkh mfpr dne mBk;sxs aA
blesa ls dqN ifjokjksa ds C;kSjk lkFk esa layXu gS A
1- x`g ea=h Hkkjr ljdkj izgykn dqekj vxzoky
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3- jk"Vªifr LFkkbZ irk & ch&58/149] xq: ukud iqjk
4- iqfyl vk;qDr] fnYyh y{eh uxj] fnYyh&110092
5- iqfyl mi&vk;qDr] ubZ fnYyh
6- ehfM;k
रविवार, 26 अगस्त 2007
TO Hon’ble Chief Justice,
Prahlad Kumar Aggarwal
open Reminder
Hon’ble Chief Justice,
Supreme Court of India,
Govt. of India,
New Delhi
Smt. Hazira Biwi
W/o Latifur Rehman
C/o Bablu
At-Housing Board, Sarawati Vihar
Chakkarpur, Sector-26
Distt. Gurgaon (Haryana)
(They residing from last four years with family members (total No. two adults (we wife-husband +C1 daughter + 1 son and one lost daughter, who lost on dated 9.5.04 and for whom this PIL for all action (i.e. enquiry order to all responsible concern, claim for any all compensation for all lessons/paints, safety & security of our whole family members by/from all surrounding administrations, accountability frame on all guilty to the cable (any/all those come daring/offer standard investigations) since, we (all with family members) came here for livelihood in search of job, better future of our family as use. No capably fulfilled our all needs in our native place, Vill.Koyarpur, P.O. Marnai, P.S. Itohar, Distt. North Dinazpur (West Bengal) matter of enquiry for all confirmation.
Ref. Group photograph in our look magazine of 22 January 2007, Jayhind (Janob), Noida (Gautambudh Nagar) Tuesday, 9 Jan. 07, Nav Bharat Times, New Delhi, on 9 Jan. 07 Hindustan Times 10 Jan. 07.
Sub: Prayer for acceptance/entertain my complaint as PIL (already fit & clear all eligibility of PIL rightly & accordingly my/our condition as disastrous/painful/less income source/case seriousness & over disastrous in/with country/internationally, as per serious linked with one-by-one daily overflowing blast of likewise scam in country i.e. Nithari, Punjab & all must be well remdtation by we full casing of all law violation, from many times & able to excuse. From the fancies of punishment due to lack of own damp careness/sum involvement in whole cable (linkage any all way with all hidden master thing).
Hon’ble Sir,
Most humble & respectfully, I have honoured that Please kindly entertain this my praying appeal as PIL.
I, herewith, undertaking with you my lord as following, for all identifications/my perfection truth promise before any Court of Law for all rightly, actions/Justice to my PIL as per investigations reports (impartial/standard/perfection) of whole & at all where.
I, Smt. Hazira Biwi, a female House maid/servant (Occupation)the riskchaw puller in the area with my husband (Mr. Latifur Rehman, all other address mentioned above, undertaking with you my lord for all rightly action/order to all concerns of country & sufficient/efficient measures to us at earliest (the needful essential measures of an needful must be started right now, from this moment of this day dated 2.2.07 (Friday).
My case was not FIR with local P.S. at Gurgaon on dated of lost of my daughter (named Miss Nurshiba Khatoon, aged 14 years (approx.) when lost, she was too, House Maid/servant in childhood, the dark/negative glimpses of our country compellness/disasterourness with all child & Govt. responsibility as known identified/publicity to all public as child labour statical data’s in country & their all pains & no any permanent relating till date, after almost over other fields, totally amendment/shameful many times
Lastly case with on dated 22.1.07 in P.S. Gurgaon (Xerox copy enclosed with all supporting proof).
It is my heartiest request appeal to you my lord with all points of loss of daughters & country’s wrongly rulings/dampcareness with public/mainly poorer people/inefficient/incapable citizens, these composed for totally dependent on political representatives (all top to bottom) for right justice to not only my case but whole (with its serious linked all aspects & must be not compensation to all victim & their family but had remarks to all Govt. of country (local to top) with all human rights activist of International as a democratic huge populated country (mainly in India which known for from ancient time) should be.
Thanking you a lot, Sir,
The PIL representation written by Mr. Sunil Kumar S/o Late Jamuna Singh Yadav R/o Rly Qtr. Rly Colony AT _ P.O. P.S. Kantabani, Distt. Polangir (Orissa) who was in being human right violation at Jantar Mantar, where parhlad aggarwal chairman foundation for comman demonstrated.
(Smt. Hazira Biwi)
W/o Latifur Rehman
C.C. to: C/o Bablu
At Housing Board, Sarswati Vihar
Chakkarpur, Sector-26
1. N.H.R.C. Haryana
2. Media
3. Local Administration
for all activities.
Prahlad Kumar Aggarwal
open Reminder
Hon’ble Chief Justice,
Supreme Court of India,
Govt. of India,
New Delhi
Smt. Hazira Biwi
W/o Latifur Rehman
C/o Bablu
At-Housing Board, Sarawati Vihar
Chakkarpur, Sector-26
Distt. Gurgaon (Haryana)
(They residing from last four years with family members (total No. two adults (we wife-husband +C1 daughter + 1 son and one lost daughter, who lost on dated 9.5.04 and for whom this PIL for all action (i.e. enquiry order to all responsible concern, claim for any all compensation for all lessons/paints, safety & security of our whole family members by/from all surrounding administrations, accountability frame on all guilty to the cable (any/all those come daring/offer standard investigations) since, we (all with family members) came here for livelihood in search of job, better future of our family as use. No capably fulfilled our all needs in our native place, Vill.Koyarpur, P.O. Marnai, P.S. Itohar, Distt. North Dinazpur (West Bengal) matter of enquiry for all confirmation.
Ref. Group photograph in our look magazine of 22 January 2007, Jayhind (Janob), Noida (Gautambudh Nagar) Tuesday, 9 Jan. 07, Nav Bharat Times, New Delhi, on 9 Jan. 07 Hindustan Times 10 Jan. 07.
Sub: Prayer for acceptance/entertain my complaint as PIL (already fit & clear all eligibility of PIL rightly & accordingly my/our condition as disastrous/painful/less income source/case seriousness & over disastrous in/with country/internationally, as per serious linked with one-by-one daily overflowing blast of likewise scam in country i.e. Nithari, Punjab & all must be well remdtation by we full casing of all law violation, from many times & able to excuse. From the fancies of punishment due to lack of own damp careness/sum involvement in whole cable (linkage any all way with all hidden master thing).
Hon’ble Sir,
Most humble & respectfully, I have honoured that Please kindly entertain this my praying appeal as PIL.
I, herewith, undertaking with you my lord as following, for all identifications/my perfection truth promise before any Court of Law for all rightly, actions/Justice to my PIL as per investigations reports (impartial/standard/perfection) of whole & at all where.
I, Smt. Hazira Biwi, a female House maid/servant (Occupation)the riskchaw puller in the area with my husband (Mr. Latifur Rehman, all other address mentioned above, undertaking with you my lord for all rightly action/order to all concerns of country & sufficient/efficient measures to us at earliest (the needful essential measures of an needful must be started right now, from this moment of this day dated 2.2.07 (Friday).
My case was not FIR with local P.S. at Gurgaon on dated of lost of my daughter (named Miss Nurshiba Khatoon, aged 14 years (approx.) when lost, she was too, House Maid/servant in childhood, the dark/negative glimpses of our country compellness/disasterourness with all child & Govt. responsibility as known identified/publicity to all public as child labour statical data’s in country & their all pains & no any permanent relating till date, after almost over other fields, totally amendment/shameful many times
Lastly case with on dated 22.1.07 in P.S. Gurgaon (Xerox copy enclosed with all supporting proof).
It is my heartiest request appeal to you my lord with all points of loss of daughters & country’s wrongly rulings/dampcareness with public/mainly poorer people/inefficient/incapable citizens, these composed for totally dependent on political representatives (all top to bottom) for right justice to not only my case but whole (with its serious linked all aspects & must be not compensation to all victim & their family but had remarks to all Govt. of country (local to top) with all human rights activist of International as a democratic huge populated country (mainly in India which known for from ancient time) should be.
Thanking you a lot, Sir,
The PIL representation written by Mr. Sunil Kumar S/o Late Jamuna Singh Yadav R/o Rly Qtr. Rly Colony AT _ P.O. P.S. Kantabani, Distt. Polangir (Orissa) who was in being human right violation at Jantar Mantar, where parhlad aggarwal chairman foundation for comman demonstrated.
(Smt. Hazira Biwi)
W/o Latifur Rehman
C.C. to: C/o Bablu
At Housing Board, Sarswati Vihar
Chakkarpur, Sector-26
1. N.H.R.C. Haryana
2. Media
3. Local Administration
for all activities.
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